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Navy STTR 24.B BAA Topics

Pre-released 4/17/24   |   Opened to receive proposals 5/15/24   |   Closed 6/12/24 12:00pm ET

Navy STTR Phase I Instructions & Topics
  • Navy_STTR_24B_v3.pdf   (5/23/24)
  • List of Navy 24.B STTR Modifications - as of 5/23/24
  • DoD Instructions & Submission
  • DoD 24.B STTR BAA Preface & Instructions
  • DoD DSIP BAA Submission & Information Website

  • [24.B Topics] NAVAIR - Standard Topics:
    N24B-T025 Q&A Secured Cyber-Physical System for Distributed Additive Manufacturing of Metallic Aerospace Structural Parts
    N24B-T026   High-Speed, Cross-Domain Data Transfer
    N24B-T027 Q&A Real-Time In-Flight Aircraft State Estimation
    N24B-T028 Q&A Real-Time Detection of Operator Workload as Input to Scalable Autonomy During Dynamic Flight Operations
    N24B-T029   ARCTIC FOX Sentinel
    N24B-T030   Wide Field-of-View, Compact Compound Meta-lenses for Visible-to-Near-Infrared Spectral Range and with 100X Size and Weight Reduction

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