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DoD/Navy 25.4 (R1) SBIR BAA Catapult Challenge

Pre-release 10/02/24   Opens 10/23/24   Closes 11/20/24 (12:00pm ET)

The Department of the Navy issued the pre-release of its 25.4 (R1) Catapult Challenge BAA which will open to receive proposals on October 23, 2024, and close to proposal submission November 20, 2024 at 12:00pm ET.
  • Catapult Challenge will solicit Phase II proposals through a Broad Agency Announcement to identify existing SBIR prototype technology that can inform scaling decisions and meet priority operational needs.
Some unique features of this Catapult Challenge opportunity includes:   [read more..]

Ask Me Anything (AMA) Catapult Challenge Webinar
Wednesday, October 16 at 1:00 PM ET

On October 16 at 1:00 PM ET the Navy will hold a free AMA Catapult Challenge Webinar which will provide information on the four topics designed to solicit Phase II proposals to identify existing SBIR prototype technology that can inform scaling decisions and meet priority operational needs.

The Catapult Challenge webinar will cover the four Catapult Challenge topics from two of the Navy's Systems Commands (SYSCOMs); Naval Sea Systems Command NAVSEA, and Strategic Systems Programs SSP.

The webinar will also provide an opportunity for you to ask technical questions to the topic authors.

Registration is free but advanced registration is required. A recording of the event will be available soon after.
Register here for Webinar
(You can enter a technical question in the registration form)

Navy 25.4 Catapult Challenge Topics & Instructions
DoD 25.4 BAA Preface

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