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To date, the Navy has funded over $11 billion to commercialize SBIR/STTR technologies.

NAVY FY-24.4 Open Topics Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
Pre-released 6/13/24   Opens 8/1/24   Closes 9/4/24 (12:00pm ET)
On June 13, 2024 the DoD issued the pre-release of the Navy's FY-24.4 Open Topics BAA. This is an exciting SBIR opportunity that differs somewhat from the customary regular SBIR topic BAAs.

To help you get acquainted with the Open Topic format, the Navy will host a free "Ask Me Anything" event dedicated to this Open Topics BAA.


DoD FY-24.2 SBIR and 24.B STTR Broad Agency Announcements (BAA)
Pre-released 4/17/24   Opened 5/15/24   Closed 6/12/24 (12:00pm ET)
Now Closed
ONR 12
Total 6

The DoD issued its pre-release of their 24.2 SBIR and 24.B STTR BAAs on April 17, 2024, which opened to receive proposals on May 15, 2024 and closed June 12, 2024 at 12:00pm ET.

These BAAs were inclusive of 35 standard Navy SBIR topics, 8 Direct to Phase II topics, and 6 STTR topics from 5 of the Navy's SYSCOMs. Topics were subject to change during the pre-release period.

You can view details from these now closed BAAs below.


Bob Smith's Retirement Brings Change to Navy SBIR/STTR Program Leadership
After a distinguished 45-year career of serving the country, 20 years as a Marine helicopter pilot and 25 years as a Navy civilian in support of many technical programs, Bob Smith has retired from government service.

Bob has been the Director of the Navy's SBIR/STTR programs since 2014, dedicating himself to enhancing and expanding these small business programs to better serve the needs of the country.

Bob Smith has been honored in this endeavor by many organizations including "Navy Meritorious Civilian Award" from the Office of Naval Research (ONR), "Champion of Small Business Innovation" award from the Small Business Technology Council (SBTC), a Letter of Recognition from Navy's Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP), and last but not least, recognition in the US Congressional Record from Representative Ken Calvert of California.
Bob will be missed but retirement is not likely to take him far away from the SBIR program.

Brian Shipley, currently the Navy SBIR Commercialization Program Manager, has been appointed the Acting Program Director until a permanent replacement is named. Brian has over 30-years serving the Department of the Navy, the past 12 years in support of and as a civilian serving the Navy SBIR/STTR programs.


Posting of Navy 24.1 SBIR, 24.A STTR and 24.4 SBIR"Selections"
In order to keep small businesses informed about the Navy's proposal selection status, the Navy posts a list of SBIR/STTR "Selectees" as they are chosen. Current selections for Navy 24.1 SBIR, 24.A STTR and 24.4 Direct to Phase II SBIR are now available.   [more..]


DoD and Navy FY-24 SBIR/STTR BAA Calendar

Joint DoD FY-24 SBIR/STTR BAA Schedule
Dates subject to change
DoD SBIR 24.1
DoD Navy SBIR 24.4
Direct to Phase II
DoD SBIR 24.2
DoD Navy SBIR 24.4
(Open Topics)
DoD SBIR 24.3
DoD SBIR 24.4
Annual BAAs have DoD topics released throughout the year with varying open and close dates. View DoD BAAs


New SBA Requirement for Disclosures of Foreign Affiliations or Relationships to Foreign Countries
As part of the recent SBIR/STTR reauthorization (SBIR/STTR Extension Act of 2022 PL 117-183) the SBA has developed a template requiring small businesses applying for SBIR or STTR awards to disclose information about the applicant's investment and foreign ties.

The template is part of the new revisions to the SBIR/STTR Policy Directive that took effect on May 3, 2023. The template is in Appendix III of the Policy Directive.


Navy Winter Transitions Newsletter is Here!
In this edition Bob Smith, Navy SBIR/STTR Director, announces his retirement from Federal Service and the Navy SBIR/STTR programs.

This edition also highlights Transitions news such as:

  • Understanding SBIR data rights: Intellectual property protection for small defense businesses
  • Sarcos Guardian robotic systems prove revolutionary in shipyard operations
  • Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) champions small business partners
  • Navy STP Virtual Transitions Marketplace (VTM) and how it connects Navy customers with ground-breaking technology
  • Calendar of Events.


Posting of Navy 23.3 & 23.4 SBIR "Selections"
In order to keep small businesses informed about the Navy's SBIR proposal selection status, the Navy posts a list of SBIR "Selectees" as they are chosen.   [more..]


Cybersecurity Information, Resources & Opportunities
Cybersecurity is a complex, critical and rapidly changing field of major importance to all, including small SBIR businesses. Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) awareness and conformance is mandatory for firms doing business with the DoD under contracts with CUI requirements.


NAVY SBIR/STTR FY-22 Year in Review - Delivering Innovation to Our Warfighters
The Department of the Navy (DON) has just released its FY-22 SBIR/STTR Year in Review report which highlights many of the program's successes and statistics for the FY-22 period.

For example, the DON phase III portfolio experienced a 17% increase over FY-21 (more than $1.1B in phase III funding), which accounted for 50% of all DoD Phase III funding in FY22! That's just one of the many items you'll see in this important report.


Navy's Policy on Selectable, Not Funded Proposals from other Agencies:
It is the policy of the Department of the Navy (DON) SBIR/STTR programs to only accept and evaluate proposals received in accordance with the SBIR/STTR Policy Directive (PD):
  • In response to stated Agency topics contained in a Phase I [PD .4(a)] or direct to Phase II [PD .4(b)(1)(ii)] solicitation issued by DON
  • In response to DON Phase I contract deliverable requirements for merit-based Phase II evaluation [PD .4(b)(4)]
  • In response to a Request for Proposal for a sequential Phase II as a follow-on award to a current DON award [PD .4(b)(5)]
  • In response to a Request for Proposal for a subsequent Phase II from a firm that has a Phase I award from another agency. [PD .4(b)(7)]
A Selectable, Not Funded proposal from another Agency is not a proposal in response to a DON solicitation nor is it an award that can be leveraged as a sequential or subsequent Phase II.


Recap of the NAVY SBIR/STTR Innovation Center held at the Gold Coast 2023 Event
The Department of Navy SBIR/STTR Programs hosted an SBIR/STTR Innovation Center at the recent NAVY Gold Coast Event, July 26 - 28, 2023 in San Diego, CA. The Navy SBIR/STTR Innovation Center was well received and included a group of 20 NAVY SBIR/STTR Phase II awardees showcasing their technologies.

You can view the companies and technologies presented at


How Small American Businesses are Driving Defense Innovations
The Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC) has just released an important article describing the role of small business and the SBIR program to the defense infrastructure and national economy of the United States.

The article is available on the MCSC website at:


DoD Releases 2023 Small Business Strategy

View/Download PDF
The Department of Defense (DoD) recently released its Small Business Strategy for 2023. The strategy promotes a strong, dynamic, and robust small business industrial base by focusing on reducing barriers to entry, increasing set-aside competitions, and leveraging programs to grow the industrial base.

As part of DoD's efforts to strengthen support of small businesses, this strategy focuses on stepping up engagement with industry, including providing more tools and resources. This engagement and training effort will be facilitated by the Department's ninety-six APEX Accelerators located across the country, formerly known as the Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, which serve as a resource for small businesses to increase their readiness, help them find opportunities to do business with the Department and accelerate their insertion into the defense marketplace.

Visit for more DoD Small Business Contracting Opportunities.


SBTC Champion of Small Business Innovation Award

SBTC Director Jere Glover presents award to Bob Smith, Director of DON SBIR/STTR
Each year since 2015, the Small Business Technology Council (SBTC) has highlighted and honored some of the best Program Managers, Contracting Officials, PEOs, and Government officials for their work in helping SBIR/STTR companies commercialize their technologies. And 2022 is no exception!

At the 14 November SBTC meeting, Bob Smith, Director of DON SBIR/STTR Programs, was selected as a Champion of Small Business Innovation by the members of the SBTC.

Mr. Smith has led DON's SBIR/STTR programs since December 2014. His stewardship has led the programs to unparalleled success and phenomenal growth in commercialization. Congratulations to a well-deserving leader!

Visit for details on the awards.


Navy Technology Transfer Opportunities Website
Although not a funding mechanism such as SBIR, Navy Technology Transfer (TT) is a powerful resource by which small businesses and entrepreneurs can collaborate with the Navy in unique ways to advance their research and technology development.   [more..]

Learn more about Navy TT from their newly redesigned website at


Doing Business with the NAVY: Steps to Becoming Procurement Ready
This video from the Department of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) helps small business owners understand the procurement process by providing vital insight and answers to key questions and concerns, and expert guidance to help you navigate each step and prepare to compete for opportunities with the NAVY.


Navy SBIR/STTR Conquering the Challenge
This Navy video "Navy SBIR/STTR Conquering the Challenge" highlights how the Navy's SBIR/STTR programs are evolving to more rapidly meet the challenges to maintain our decisive edge.

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Navy 24.4 SBIR
Open Topics
Pre-release:     13-Jun-24
Opens:       1-Aug-24
Closes:       4-Sep-24
Dates and topics subject to change
-- View --
DoD BAA Calendar
Previous Navy BAAs

Phase I


Winter 2024

Transitions Newsletter Winter 2024

Navy STP
Transitions Program
Annual Report

Navy STP Annual Report


Navy SBIR Overview

Year in Review
June 2023

Navy Phase III Guidebook

Phase III
Ver 2 March 2020

Navy Phase III Guidebook

Navy Systems

Navy SBIR Overview

Navy STP Cohort
Technology Guide

The STP Cohort Technology Guide