Automated Data Synchronization Across Multiple Databases

Navy STTR 25.A - N25A-T007
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
Pre-release 12/4/24   Opens to accept proposals 1/8/25   Closes 2/5/25 12:00pm ET    [ View Q&A ]

N25A-T007 TITLE: Automated Data Synchronization Across Multiple Databases

OUSD (R&E) CRITICAL TECHNOLOGY AREA(S): Advanced Computing and Software

OBJECTIVE: Develop a software algorithm that provides a capability to automate data synchronization across multiple databases of software defects and problem reports of surface naval platforms.

DESCRIPTION: Databases now use a set of disaggregated decision criteria that do not support collaboration and must be aggregated by the operator to be useful. Current decision support database tools are fixed in time and rely on operators to assess various sources of information to maximize performance over time. Databases to be utilized for tasking and actions are within the maritime, and air and land mission domains and should not be limited in their ability to visually represent multi-unit or multi-domain temporal coordination. The Navy seeks an automated course of action (COA) capability that improves situational understanding using merging, removing, or automating synchronization. New approaches are needed with enhanced methods to support database alignment, clarity, and usability.

The Navy has multiple databases located at various locations. It invests in several different land-based testing facilities for various capabilities. These various sites maintain their own hardware and database configurations for tracking purposes. Many of the databases contain identical or almost identical data with the same intent. The data needing to be automated and synchronized are the various software defects that have been reported and problem reports associated with the various surface navy combat systems baselines or platforms. The duplication of data residing on a host of different databases builds to the unnecessary data redundancies. The redundancies cause searching for information harder by having to eliminate data through comparison with all data that is retrieved. The current process requires manual human labor to catch duplicates through Change Review Board and potential audits. The redundancy in data prevents a common picture of ground truth in reporting defect status and the insufficient process slows down the decision-making actions of stakeholders costing valuable time in a decision-making process. The Navy desires an automated data synchronization capability in real time. It must retrieve information that is then compared with only unique occurrences of the same data which is brought forward as a single source. This will remove redundancies and reduce decision time of stakeholders that drive capability.

The AEGIS combat system databases are comprised of various databases that have various capabilities for controlling components specific to their baseline. The various baselines control specific radars and weapons per their primary and secondary mission areas. The databases in use currently store data for tactical employment and replay capability for reconstruction for mission accomplishment. The databases are engineered to operate independently as stand-alone sources and synchronize interoperate with other databases and combat systems defining the interoperability capability. The various surface naval databases can vary in different ways that may provide difficulty for the sailor to access in a timely manner when comparing different types of data.

The Navy is seeking a software application that can automate and synchronize identical or almost identical data contained on various databases. The solution will enhance capabilities by bringing a complete accessibility to a variety of data from non-similar sources for Surface Navy planning. There are currently no available commercial capabilities that will solve the need for the technology.

One of the key challenges of big data is taking the enormous amounts of data and turning it into useful cognitive information. Although there are no defined limitations to hardware and software for use aboard ships, Navy resource sponsors are seeking to reduce lifecycle costs to support Fleet capability by developing hardware agnostic software and by employing software standards that facilitate updates without significant cost. Currently, the software defects are reported on one database and not synchronized to extend to another database, failing to provide overarching awareness across all capabilities. Equally, a Test Observation Report (TOR), which is sometimes handwritten during testing and turns into Trouble Reports (TR)/ Problem Reports (PRs), reported on one database may not be shared to another, thus not being universally accessible.

The speed and accuracy of the solution must exceed existing database access performance attributes by 10% or better. The software code should be able to demonstrate the ability to scan or screen the physical copy into editable fields within databases.

For Change Requests (CRs) that need to enter into a defect database, currently a team of individuals manually input the CR data on a weekly basis. Ideally, it would be more efficient to provide a file in a pre-determined format that could then be imparted into the defect database to create the PRs.

To reduce redundancy, it currently requires manual human labor to catch duplicates through the Change Review Board (CRB) and CR review and potentially audits. The solution software application needs to demonstrate the ability to screen through multiple databases and find duplicates based on parameters like change request number, description of the data observed, and PR type; and highlight the potential duplicate so users can take the next step. In addition, the application should be able to prioritize which defects have higher impact and rank them from red to green scale based on priority and safety impact parameters.

PHASE I: Develop a concept for an automated data synchronization algorithm that meets the objectives stated in the Description. Demonstrate the feasibility of the concept in meeting the Navy’s need. Feasibility shall be demonstrated by a combination of analysis, modeling, and simulation as stated in the Description. The Phase I Option, if exercised, will include the initial design specifications and capabilities description to build a prototype solution in Phase II.

PHASE II: Develop and deliver a prototype automated data synchronization algorithm based on the results of Phase I. Demonstrate the prototype’s functionality to improve situational visualization and situational understanding within a varied database context.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATIONS: Support the Navy in transitioning the prototype database software applications to Navy use. The final product will allow for further experimentation and refinement. The prototype database software application will be incorporated into the AEGIS baseline database modernization process. This will consist of integration into a database definition, incorporation of the databases existing and new database capabilities for software defects and problem reports accessibility to support certification.

Database algorithms could provide assistance to additional Department of Defense areas and air traffic controllers in maximizing database capability to prevent future potential collisions.


1. GeeksforGeeks. "The Problem of Data Redundancy in Database."

2. Kiyavash, Negar. "Database Alignment: Fundamental Limits and Efficient Algorithms." 21 Oct 2021.

3. Silberschatz, Avi; Korth, Hank and Sudarshan, S. "Database System Concepts: Seventh Edition." Nw York: McGraw-Hill Education, March 2019.

4. Shmeltzer, Shay and Wells, Joyce. "Agile Development and the Modern Database." Database Trends & Applications. Vol 32, Issue 4, Aug/Sep2018.

5. Campos, Luna. "Data Synchronization: What It Is and How to Sync Data for Beginners." December 05, 2022. HTTPS://BLOG.HUBSPOT.COM/WEBSITE/DATA-SYNCHRONIZATION

KEYWORDS: Multiple Databases; Identical Data; Software Defects; Database Alignment; Automating Synchronization; Data Redundancies


The Navy Topic above is an "unofficial" copy from the Navy Topics in the DoD 25.A STTR BAA. Please see the official DoD Topic website at for any updates.

The DoD issued its Navy 25.A STTR Topics pre-release on December 4, 2024 which opens to receive proposals on January 8, 2025, and closes February 5, 2025 (12:00pm ET).

Direct Contact with Topic Authors: During the pre-release period (December 4, 2024, through January 7, 2025) proposing firms have an opportunity to directly contact the Technical Point of Contact (TPOC) to ask technical questions about the specific BAA topic. Once DoD begins accepting proposals on January 8, 2025 no further direct contact between proposers and topic authors is allowed unless the Topic Author is responding to a question submitted during the Pre-release period.

DoD On-line Q&A System: After the pre-release period, until January 22, at 12:00 PM ET, proposers may submit written questions through the DoD On-line Topic Q&A at by logging in and following instructions. In the Topic Q&A system, the questioner and respondent remain anonymous but all questions and answers are posted for general viewing.

DoD Topics Search Tool: Visit the DoD Topic Search Tool at to find topics by keyword across all DoD Components participating in this BAA.

Help: If you have general questions about the DoD SBIR program, please contact the DoD SBIR Help Desk via email at [email protected]

Topic Q & A

1/17/25  Q. Can you clarify the definitions of what is "identical data" and "almost identical data"? Is "almost identical data" defined by a numerical threshold?
   A. No, almost identical data is meant via different writing styles of different personnel providing the current manual inputs of data from various locations.
1/17/25  Q. Will Phase I awardees have access to sponsor domain experts to validate system design approaches during Phase I?
   A. After Phase I award, additional insight can/will be provided to the awardees.
1/17/25  Q. The SBIR mentions multiple locations of data to be synchronized. The assumption is not all locations will be exactly alike. Will Phase I awardees have access to example disparate schemas for use in prototyping synchronization algorithms?
   A. After Phase I award, additional insight can/will be provided to the awardees.
1/7/25  Q. Given the requirement to exceed existing ACS performance, could you share the current speed and accuracy metrics for the solutions in place today?
   A. These details will be provided by the TPOC to Phase I awardees.
1/7/25  Q. What is the total volume of data in the databases, magnitude will suffice?
   A. Multiple locations of data to be managed for the BAA and various levels of volume
1/7/25  Q. What is the volume of data currently being manipulated in the databases to enable the course of action (COA), magnitude will suffice?
   A. Multiple locations of data to be managed for the BAA and various levels of volume
1/7/25  Q. Could you elaborate on the big data technical stack being leveraged for the databases?
   A. Multiple locations of data to be managed for the BAA and various levels of experience for the inputs from test observations.

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