Digital RF Memory (DRFM) Jammer Simulator
Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Sol No.: |
Navy SBIR FY2010.1 |
Topic No.: |
N101-035 |
Topic Title: |
Digital RF Memory (DRFM) Jammer Simulator |
Proposal No.: |
N101-035-0630 |
Firm: |
SA Photonics 130 Knowles Drive
Suite A
Los Gatos, California 95032 |
Contact: |
Dave Pechner |
Phone: |
(408) 781-7416 |
Web Site: | |
Abstract: |
SA Photonics' Jammer Emulator (JEM) is a flexible and programmable wideband DRFM Jammer Emulator intended to be able to rapidly evaluate the impact of new threat waveforms. JEM is a high resolution, dual channel jammer simulator that supports large varieties of DRFM and ECM emulation capabilities. A software defined digital signal processing implementation ensures precise and consistent jammer simulation. JEM operates over frequencies from 100MHz to 18GHz with over 100dB signal dynamic range (>70dB instantaneous dynamic range). The base configuration provides two channels, and provides extremely flexible DRFM hardware and ECM emulation processing blocks. The DRFM hardware emulation block allows configurable simulation of specific hardware characteristics such as number of ADC/DAC bits, input and output analog filter emulation, and limits on memory depth. The ECM emulation block allows arbitrary time varying amplitude, delay, and frequency offset profiles to be generated as well as generation of arbitrary bandlimited noise sources. These configurable blocks allow easy simulation of many ECM modes including RGPI/O, VGPI/O and other coherent and non-coherent techniques. The JEM system contains a self-calibrating RF architecture to enable tight amplitude and phase matching between RF channels. The JEM system is configured via an intuitive GUI which allows graphical input of all time varying profiles. The JEM system utilizes a simple ASCII based interface and is readily integrated with existing simulators following the Joint Integrated Mission Model (JIMM). |
Benefits: |
The JEM system provides a highly configurable DRFM emulator that supports a wide variety of hardware-in-the-loop simulation scenarios. JEM can be used not only for jammer emulation, but also real time delay applications, and many other applications due to the highly configurable processing blocks. In addition, the flexibility of the software defined digital signal processing architecture enables feature enhancements that continuously meet Navy's demand in the years to come without hardware redesign. By having a multi-use and upgradable platform, cost savings are achieved in not only in procurement cost, but also in usability and maintenance costs. The high accuracy, wide bandwidth and high dynamic range RF performance enables repeatable test scenarios and high confidence test results. |