Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Sol No.: |
Navy SBIR FY2010.1 |
Topic No.: |
N101-012 |
Topic Title: |
Proposal No.: |
N101-012-0229 |
Firm: |
Intelligent Epitaxy Technology, Inc. 1250 E. Collins Blvd.
Richardson, Texas 75081-2401 |
Contact: |
Paul Pinsukanjana |
Phone: |
(972) 234-0068 |
Web Site: |
www.intelliepi.com |
Abstract: |
This Phase I SBIR effort will develop dual-band mid-wavelength infrared/long-wavelength infrared (MWIR/LWIR) detector technology based on dual monolithic type-II strained-layer superlattices (SLS). The dual-band detector will operate in either MWIR or LWIR mode depending on the applied voltage bias, and will be compatible with the ROICs under development in the MDA FastFPA program. The dual-band SLS detector design will be done in collaboration with leading firms QmagiQ, Teledyne Imaging Sensors, and Raytheon Vision Systems. The epitaxial layer structures will be prepared by multi-wafer Sb-based MBE at IntelliEPI using proprietary in-situ tools to fully characterize and optimize the films. Detector fabrication and testing will be done by QmagiQ, TIS, and RVS. Building on the experience gained under the MDA FastFPA program, and iterations of growth and testing, has the potential for high-performance dual-band detector development. |
Benefits: |
Dual-band MWIR/LWIR SLS detectors achieved by this Phase I SBIR will address the high demand for dual-band thermal imaging for both war fighter and eventual commercial application. Successful devices can be scaled very quickly to FPAs based on the strong track record of the SBIR collaborators. Dual-band FPA imagers offer enhanced information content in the same imager footprint by using optically well-separated MWIR (3-5 �m) and LWIR (8-14 �m) bands. Such imagers, when technologically achievable, could quickly supplant single-band imagers in a a wide variety of applications. |