Post-Damage Kinematic Simulation of Complex Mechanical Systems
Navy SBIR FY2014.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.1
Topic No.: N141-032
Topic Title: Post-Damage Kinematic Simulation of Complex Mechanical Systems
Proposal No.: N141-032-0018
Firm: ATA Engineering, Inc
13290 Evening Creek Drive South
Suite 250
San Diego, California 92128-4695
Contact: George Antoun
Phone: (303) 945-2369
Web Site:
Abstract: ATA's approach to developing an innovative post-shock kinematic simulation capability for the Navy involves development of a novel methodology that leverages the nonlinear multi-body dynamics capabilities of a commercially available finite element (FE) code, namely Abaqus, to simulate the post-event kinematic operation of a system subject to high intensity loading that may include damage or yielding. Rather than using a purely deterministic approach where a singular solution for the post-shock operation will result, ATA will integrate advanced stochastic methods and approximation modeling techniques into the solution to allow the sensitivity of the complete system to the variability of the kinematic parameters for components to be understood. This will reduce the risk associated with uncertainties in these variables, e.g., post-deformation friction coefficients for sliding components, and provide the Navy with a robust virtual test methodology for complex mechanical systems composed of many classes of articulating components.
Benefits: Industries that will benefit from the proposed technology include those that develop products for shock environments that otherwise require extensive testing for certification. A key example is the ship and submarine building industry, where systems are designed to maintain combat readiness even in the event of underwater explosion. A validated kinematic simulation framework would allow engineers to evaluate a multitude of post-event mechanical scenarios for hull, equipment, machinery, and platform damage. By being able to accurately simulate mechanical systems through representation of sliding and contact friction, the capability will replace expensive test-based certifications and allow exploration of configurations that are not suited for evaluation through shock testing. In addition to a significant user base within NAVSEA, potential customers include General Dynamics Electric Boat, Newport News Shipbuilding, BAE Systems, and other prime naval contractors.
