System-agnostic Mission Data Recording and Reconstruction for Surface Combatants
Navy SBIR FY2014.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.1
Topic No.: N141-046
Topic Title: System-agnostic Mission Data Recording and Reconstruction for Surface Combatants
Proposal No.: N141-046-0521
Firm: Adaptive Methods, Inc
5860 Trinity Parkway
Suite 200
Centreville, Virginia 20120
Contact: Sarah Cronin
Phone: (301) 947-2570
Web Site:
Abstract: Current US Navy sonar recorder systems have often been developed as adjunct tools for data collection without consideration of a holistic approach for system wide record and playback. Specifically, many existing fleet systems have an assortment of unique recording tools that are specialized for specific data types and formats making analysis of the entire system's performance cumbersome and labor intensive. The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) program presents unique challenges to recording due to its modular mission architecture. Currently, there is no over-arching recorder that is common across its mission packages. Moreover, while each mission module might contain dedicated recorders or data collection tools, these are specific only to the module and do not collate data across a given mission package. Thus, for LCS, it is currently not possible to reconstruct or analyze the entire mission as it occurred. The focus of this proposal is on solving this issue by developing a comprehensive, fully-integrated, data agnostic record and playback service that is common and available across all mission packages and flexible enough to evolve with changing mission package requirements and capabilities.
Benefits: The anticipated benefits of the proposed solution for an operator are 1) greater efficiency due to a common recorder, 2) less training due to the commonality with other fleet system recorders, and 3) reduced manning due to fewer tools needing to be managed. For the Navy the anticipated benefits are 1) easy integration of existing software, 2) complete system monitoring for LCS ships, and 3) high extensibility of the technology, and 4) cost efficiencies from collaborative development across programs. For potential commercial applications such as surveillance technologies, security, air traffic monitoring, traffic flow data collection, industrial process monitoring, weather observations and analysis, seismology, and other scientific data collection, the concept of a data-agnostic, system-independent recorder technology There are also a plethora of other DoD systems and applications that could benefit. Any message-based tactical network with a need for record and playback, whether on land, sea, or air, could benefit from this technology.
