Robust 2700 F MC/C Fiber Reinforced Matrices for Turbine Engines
Navy SBIR FY2014.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2014.1
Topic No.: N141-074
Topic Title: Robust 2700 F MC/C Fiber Reinforced Matrices for Turbine Engines
Proposal No.: N141-074-0260
Firm: Advanced Ceramic Fibers, LLC
2300 N. Yellowstone Hwy
Suite 210
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401-1624
Contact: John Garnier
Phone: (208) 881-4746
Web Site:
Abstract: Advanced Ceramic Fibers, LLC has developed a transformational enabling fiber technology for use in UHT turbine engines - alpha silicon carbide/carbon based fibers - with capability above Navy's goal of 2700 F. Our turbine engine OEM and aerospace team members are excited about the MC/C fibers for use in more robust/durable CMCs with higher temperature capability for turbine engines (TE). ACFs has experience in EBCs and trap sealants for TE static and rotating components to 4000 F. ACF's in-house technical team is highly experienced in development of fibers and CMCs for turbine engines and highly qualified to develop the physics and thermo-chemical-based models for MC/C fiber reinforced UHT ceramic composites with improved environmental robustness to mitigate effects of moisture-induced volatilization or corrosive deposits, or matrix cracking in high temperature gas turbine hot section components. Physics modeling will include both steady and kinetic models using Density Functional Theory (initial stages of chemical reactions) with non-first principles MD simulations for longer exposure times. IN Phase I, we will fabricate MC/C test coupons for use in CMC matrices. These materials will lead the way in Phase II to new TE designs.
Benefits: COMMERCIALIZATION STRATEGY ACF's innovative high performance, low cost fibers is a disruptive technology (patents pending) that is beginning to impact a broad spectrum of Commercial and Defense needs using high temperature high performance fibers. Advanced Ceramic Fiber Solutions (ACF-S) was formed in 2013 to develop specific products, along with our strategic alliance partners, in our five major market segment targets: infrastructure, transportation, energy, aerospace, and defense. As co-inventor of the patent-pending alpha silicon carbide/carbon fiber (a-SiC/C) "Direct Conversion ProcessT", Dr. Garnier has assembled a highly experienced team of professionals with extensive scientific, engineering, legal, production, and senior level management personnel developing the new business startup. Advanced Ceramic Fiber's technical team has a breadth of experience in developing a materials technology and "rapidly" transitioning it through the product development stage into the commercial markets. We are confident in our ability to make the family of emerging MC/C fibers the enabling technology for robust and durable CMCs armor supporting Navy's use of man-rated and smaller turbine engines for their multiple specialty missions. We plan to take the next necessary development steps, perform more rigorous sub-component tests for longer duration, and work to scale-up the fabrication process in order to deliver profitable products to the marketplace as shown in at our web site: We establish these new product lines by spinning off our own manufacturing subsidiaries (ACF-S) or by establishing licensing and royalty agreements with "highly motivated" major manufacturers. ACF, LLC has recently established a second commercialization entity Advanced Ceramic Fibers-Solutions, LLC for the purpose of rapidly setting up additional MC/C fiber related fabrication facilities in the US. Advanced Ceramic Fibers is committed to converting its SBIR research Programs into both commercial products and commercial R&D services, for both the private sector and Government markets, through Phase II Programs, and Phase III programs with industrial partners. Our current management strategy to achieve commercialization success is given in more detail in the separate appended "Company Commercialization Report" as ACF has not received any prior SBIR award. One of our prime strategies is to involve the end user early in the development process. We are working with major defense OEMs for use of our MC/C fibers into various metals and metal vehicle and armor systems. We will foster those and other relationships during the program in order to insure that the technology development path remains directed at impacting CMCs for turbine engines in the most effective way possible. PHASE III DUAL-USE APPLICATIONS: We plan to Partner with interested USA turbine engine manufactures to embed ACF's MC/C fibers into CMCs in many turbine engine related market sectors. ACF's low-cost MC/C fibers opens up use of fiber reinforced CMCs into new markets for turbine engines - i.e. transportation by hybrid truck driven by high efficiency CMC based TEs. Commercially, new CMC based TE's using ACF's MC/C fibers offers low-cost efficiency solutions with the benefits cited above thus enabling ACF to partner with a vehicle manufactures as well as turbine engine manufactures. We are engaging with OEMs of military trucks and vehicles and automobiles who have interest in low cost high performance fibers for a palette of end-use applications outside turbine engines as well. ACF's related business plan and projected growth for advanced CMC based turbine engines using MC/C fibers through 2030 is given in the technical proposal. See web site: for more information. Marketing data comes from a variety of published reports, such as Ceramic Bulletin, Journal of American Ceramic Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), US American Ceramic Association (USACA) and Directed Energy Society (web site: IN 1980's ACF's PI, Dr. Garnier was involved in a multi-year DOE program matching small turbine engines with CMC heat exchangers to demonstrate 60+% efficient auxiliary turbine engine based power units for use in the Ford Taurus automobile. High cost of fiber ($6,000 pound) was a key-limiting factor preventing the demonstrator program from moving to Phase III. ACF MC/C fibers are low-cost. ACF's advanced low-cost MC/C fibers and related processing technologies are a core segment of our movement to Phase III plan for turbine engines and we will devote our full resources to successfully develop and transition technology to national defense and commercial applications.
