Semi-Autonomous, Reliable, Safe Recovery of the Remote Multi-Mission Vehicle (RMMV) in Various Sea States.
Navy SBIR FY2013.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2013.1
Topic No.: N131-041
Topic Title: Semi-Autonomous, Reliable, Safe Recovery of the Remote Multi-Mission Vehicle (RMMV) in Various Sea States.
Proposal No.: N131-041-0525
Firm: Creative Technology Applications, Inc
1063 Koohoo Place
Kailua, Hawaii 96734
Contact: Ronald Seiple
Phone: (808) 261-4888
Abstract: This effort utilizes a new Launch and Recovery (L and R) System called Soft Rail. Soft Rail significantly eliminates the surface motion by deploying a unique depressor/drogue (D/d) system from two lines underwater below the surface interface conditions. These lines extend to the ship and are referred to as "Soft Rails" because they are tensioned by the D/d system. The D/d is inherently stable underwater and significantly reduces the surface motion in these lines. Thus payloads are stable as they traverse the Soft Rails on a trailer-like launch and recovery carriage. This operation is analogous to a gondola traversing a suspended cable. All this is done while the ship remains underway further reducing motion. Soft Rail has been successfully demonstrated at sea off the SEAL support ship the C Commando. Soft Rail can be used to L and R just about any payload including; surface RHIB's, UAV, RMMV's and perhaps even large UAV's. Soft Rail may be the most significant advancement to at-sea L and R since the development of the Davit.
Benefits: Soft Rail will provide a significant advancement to at-sea L and R. It has the potential to L and R new payloads and thereby significantly enhance mission capabilities. It has an added benefit performing L and R while the ship remains underway at speed and therefore is more combat friendly. It has the potential to reduce manpower requirements and being highly robust.
