Motion-induced User Symptomology Toolkit for Evaluating Readiness (MUSTER)
Navy SBIR FY2013.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2013.1
Topic No.: N131-077
Topic Title: Motion-induced User Symptomology Toolkit for Evaluating Readiness (MUSTER)
Proposal No.: N131-077-0834
Firm: AnthroTronix, Inc.
8737 Colesville Rd, L203
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
Contact: Corinna Lathan
Phone: (301) 495-0770
Web Site:
Abstract: The primary objective of this SBIR effort is to design, develop, and validate a Portable Automated Sensor Suite (PASS) Motion-induced User Symptomology Toolkit for Evaluating Readiness (MUSTER) to enable unobtrusive, real-time capture, synchronization, and analysis of environmental, physiological, physical, and subjective measures associated with motion-induced sickness and fatigue, as well as resulting human performance degradation within operational task environments.
Benefits: This multi-dimensional assessment technology will provide a valuable tool for researchers investigating the effects of motion-induced mishaps, fatigue, and sickness over time, and will also provide a deployable tool for operational use in determining fitness for duty.
