Earplug-Integrated Miniature Wireless Sensors for Warfighter Monitoring and Earplug Evaluations
Navy SBIR FY2013.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2013.1
Topic No.: N131-012
Topic Title: Earplug-Integrated Miniature Wireless Sensors for Warfighter Monitoring and Earplug Evaluations
Proposal No.: N131-012-0780
Firm: Scientific & Biomedical Microsystems
9175 Guilford Rd, Suite 100
Columbia, Maryland 21046
Contact: Brian Jamieson
Phone: (240) 456-4728
Web Site: www.sbmicrosystems.us
Abstract: The objective of the proposed program is to develop a highly miniaturized wireless pressure sensor for integration with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) earplugs in a practical and cost effective manner. The most immediate application is the evaluation of earplug performance, specifically with regards to the important issue of middle ear pressure equalization and the risk of eardrum rupture among pilots undergoing rapid ascent or descent. More generally, the ability to integrate highly-miniaturized wireless sensors into the distal portion of a COTS earplug (e.g. that portion proximal to the middle ear) would make it practical to continuously monitor a wide variety of physiological parameters during military operations.
Benefits: The Navy has an ummet need for compact and practical instrumentation that will allow the assessment of earplug safety during rapid pressurization and de-pressurization events, and the proposed research will provide that capability immediately. More strategically, the ability to instrument a commercial earplug with sensors such as microphones, oximeters, and pressure sensors would allow real time monitoring of warfighters non-invasively and with minimal impact on other equipment, gear and uniform. Further, the proposed reserach would allow the development of a practical "noise dosimeter" that could validate observance of safe noise exposure, and prevent noise-induced hearing loss among warfighters and other workers exposed to noise in the workplace.
