Optical Inertial Reference Unit for Navy Tactical Airborne High Energy Laser (HEL) Applications
Navy SBIR FY2013.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2013.1
Topic No.: N131-010
Topic Title: Optical Inertial Reference Unit for Navy Tactical Airborne High Energy Laser (HEL) Applications
Proposal No.: N131-010-1034
Firm: Controlled Dynamics Inc.
18141 Beach Blvd., Suite 170
Huntington Beach, California 92648-8602
Contact: David Schenck
Phone: (562) 735-3095
Web Site: www.controlled-dynamics.com
Abstract: CDI is proposing an tactical OIRU design based on a modified production IMU combined with our LOS/INS module. The combination of production hardware tailored to the OIRU tactical vibration environment provides a competitive OIRU design on a $/rejected jitter basis.
Benefits: The anticipated benefit to the Navy is that CDI's tactical OIRU will enable precision pointing and micro-radian stabilization using IMU technology currently in production. This will provide a near term OIRU that will perform reliably in the most severe tactical base motion environments. The implementation of a OIRU and a integrated INS eliminates the need for an external GPS/INS reducing beam director implementation costs substantially.
