Airborne Contact Cueing for Panoramic Imagers
Navy SBIR FY2013.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2013.1
Topic No.: N131-055
Topic Title: Airborne Contact Cueing for Panoramic Imagers
Proposal No.: N131-055-0087
Firm: Arete Associates
P.O. Box 2607
Winnetka, California 91396-2607
Contact: Kris Barkume
Phone: (818) 885-2200
Web Site:
Abstract: Aret� will build an algorithm capable of real-time performance on panoramic video that rapidly detects low visibility aircraft with minimal false alarms. The team will make use of the on-hand periscope video and APB-13 algorithms to create panoramic inputs to our robust, likelihood-based Bayesian Field Detector (BFD) algorithm. For the Phase I effort, we will integrate and advance the BFD algorithm to detect aircraft and provide cueing information to the operator including an aircraft state vector and detection statistics. Within the scope of this overall solution, Phase I activities will focus on assessing algorithm performance and feasibility of a real time implementation. The Aret� team is uniquely qualified to offer the requested capability. Its advanced position is a result of extensive experience in periscope image processing, 360-degree periscope mosaic-imaging, coherent stacking for low SNR detection, precise false alarm mitigation, and efficient highly-parallel algorithm development. The team also benefits from having over 20 hours of real periscope video-including airborne contacts in visible and infrared bands-on hand for algorithm development and testing.
Benefits: The new capability developed through this Phase I effort will yield a modular framework algorithm suitable for easy integration into the intended platform while maintaining sufficient flexibility for applications in new areas of research or additional periscope imaging systems. The Aret� team will pursue commercialization of its automated aircraft detection algorithm for current and emerging photonics technology. Additionally, the Phase I development is well aligned with ongoing internal research and development into real-time implementations of signal processing, automated detection, and tracking algorithms which are in increasing demand from a broad range of DoD customers.
