Lossless Non-Blocking Single-Mode Fiber Optic Wavelength Router
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-030
Topic Title: Lossless Non-Blocking Single-Mode Fiber Optic Wavelength Router
Proposal No.: N101-030-2011
Firm: EM Photonics, Incorporated
51 East Main Street
Suite 203
Newark, Delaware 19711
Contact: Ahmed Sharkawy
Phone: (302) 456-9003
Web Site: www.emphotonics.com
Abstract: In this Phase I SBIR effort we will investigate the feasibility of design and optimization of an optically interconnected optical router using a photonic crystal-based switching fabric and by carefully engineering the spatial and temporal properties of such periodic structures. We will take multiple design parameters into account to optimize the optical backplane to account for variations in operational conditions.
Benefits: This work will be useful in military applications ranging from communications to missile guidance to long-range imaging. However, due to the nature of the proposed device structure and fabrication scheme this project will find interest with many existing Optical signal-processing modules for fast signal acquisition on a chip scale. The current research will facilitate the optical signal processing on a chip scale and eventually to an optically interconnected system/chip Typical Avionics Networks Requirements include; Many Different I/O Types,- RF, Analog, Digital, Discrete & Timing Strobes,- EMI Problems in Mixed Signal Environment, Many Different Network Media / Connectors Coaxial, TSP, Copper Cable, F/O, Backplane Traces/Vias, Many High Bandwidth/High Frequency Channels Avionics Modules are Connector Bound, Still Desire 2-Level Line-Replaceable Modules, Sensors Located Throughout Airframe, Coaxial Cable Has High Signal Losses/Distortion, Many Pt-to-Pt Cables Reduce Manufacturing Repeatability, Decrease Reliability/Effective Diagnostics.
