FPA and Camera Based on Dualband Infrared SLS Photodiodes
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-012
Topic Title: FPA and Camera Based on Dualband Infrared SLS Photodiodes
Proposal No.: N101-012-1858
Firm: QmagiQ, LLC
22 Cotton Road
Unit H, Suite 180
Nashua, New Hampshire 03063-4219
Contact: Mani Sundaram
Phone: (603) 821-3092
Web Site: http://www.qmagiq.com
Abstract: In Phase I, we will demonstrate a dualband InAs/GaSb strained layer superlattice (SLS) photodiode with bias-selectable 3-5 and 8-12 micron spectral response. Bandgap engineering will be used to minimize dark current and make array processing simple and robust with the goal of demonstrating a prototype dualband focal plane array (FPA) in the Phase I Option itself. In Phase II, we will optimize FPA performance on the readout multiplexers being developed by the MDA''s FastFPA program. A compact portable camera and sample FPAs will be delivered.
Benefits: Longwave/dualband SLS promises the performance of MCT at the commercial pricing and availability of midwave InSb. Besides its relevance to key MDA programs, this sensor technology will find commercial use in security and surveillance, gas/chemical imaging, medical imaging, etc.
