Material Multi-Solution for Hypersonic Systems
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-067
Topic Title: Material Multi-Solution for Hypersonic Systems
Proposal No.: N101-067-1445
Firm: Custom Analytical Engineering Systems, Inc
13000 Tensor Lane, NE
Flintstone, Maryland 21530
Contact: Amos Alexander
Phone: (301) 722-2013
Abstract: This effort involves design and analysis activities focused on developing a tactically representative integrated hybrid composite structure capable of sustaining the high acceleration launch environment encountered in hypervelocity applications while satisfying the weight and volume requirements consistent with hypervelocity flight configurations. Candidate fiber and matrix materials will be evaluated for their potential to deliver high compressive strength under gun launch conditions and for their processing attributes regarding compatibility with fabrication of high quality, thick-sectioned laminates. Selected fiber/matrix systems will then be incorporated into detailed designs of primary structural components required for high acceleration launched hypervelocity projectiles. In addition to addressing strength of primary structural members this effort will also address design at interfaces to neighboring structural components and end configurations.
Benefits: Successful demonstration of a high compressive strength, tactically representative composite structure will enable development of next-generation munitions applications capable of achieving extended range and/or delivering increased payload.
