Black Silicon Enhanced Imager for 1064nm Laser Spot Imaging
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-078
Topic Title: Black Silicon Enhanced Imager for 1064nm Laser Spot Imaging
Proposal No.: N101-078-0940
Firm: SiOnyx Inc.
100 Cummings Center
Suite 243F
Beverly, Massachusetts 01915
Contact: Homayoon Haddad
Phone: (978) 922-0684
Web Site:
Abstract: SiOnyx has developed a novel silicon processing technology for CMOS sensors that extends spectral sensitivity into the near/shortwave infrared (NIR/SWIR) and enables a full performance visible imager with integrated 1064nm "See Spot" capability operating at room temperature. The process is compatible with established CMOS manufacturing infrastructure and has the promise of much lower cost than competing approaches. Currently deployed "See Spot" systems use a multicamera image fusion that is expensive and plagued by parallax and optical alignment issues. It is well recognized that a highly scalable silicon based sensor with 1064 nm sensitivity is a game changer for the modern warfighter, allowing pervasive imaging of YAG designator and aiming lasers. Such an imager would also provide outstanding night vision imaging capabilities on a low cost low power platform.
Benefits: A low cost highly scalable silicon based imager for digital nightvision. This has great benefits for 1064 nm laser imaging, digital nightvision and military surveillance. Such an imager will offer complete daydominate the security surveillance camera market, a growing segment worth over $1B annually.
