Lossless Non-Blocking Single-Mode Fiber Optic Wavelength Router
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-030
Topic Title: Lossless Non-Blocking Single-Mode Fiber Optic Wavelength Router
Proposal No.: N101-030-1754
Firm: Freedom Photonics LLC
90 Dean Arnold Place
Santa Barbara, California 93117
Contact: Milan Mashanovitch
Phone: (805) 277-3031
Web Site: www.freedomphotonics.com
Abstract: Freedom Photonics is developing a ruggedized avionic WDM wavelength router using a novel photonic integrated circuit based optical data plane. The router will provide connectivity between a minimum of 16 subnetworks.
Benefits: 1000x increase in available bandwidth, with 50% volume, weight and power consumption. Significant commercial market in fiber optic transport systems of the next generation.
