Improved Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW) Sonobuoy Location Technique in a Denied Global Positioning System (GPS) Environment
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-025
Topic Title: Improved Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW) Sonobuoy Location Technique in a Denied Global Positioning System (GPS) Environment
Proposal No.: N101-025-0780
Firm: Intelligent Automation, Inc.
15400 Calhoun Drive
Suite 400
Rockville, Maryland 20855
Contact: Chujen Lin
Phone: (301) 294-5236
Web Site:
Abstract: Sonobuoy constitutes a key sensory component in modern anti-submarine warfare (ASW) by performing crucial tasks such as reconnaissance under water using sonar. In order to obtain accurate information about the location of possible submarines, it is necessary to know the position of these sonobuoys at all times. However, in GPS-denied situations, alternate methods are necessary to localize the sonobuoys for extended periods of time on the scale of 8-12 hrs at a stretch. As TDOA/AOA based approaches provide fairly large positioning error, IAI propose to investigate RF ranging techniques for sonobuoy positioning system in conjunction with buoy drift model analysis.
Benefits: The technology on completion would be beneficial DOD agencies for localization system to enhance the ability of battle field reconnaissance and surveillance. Such application includes but not limited to the target localization system and sonobuoy positioning system. This technology also can be widely applied in many civilian applications. (i.e., Coast Guard/First Responder for search and rescue mission) Additionally, highly accurate ranging capabilities enable Time Of Arrival based localization of RF sources, such as spurious emissions from Radio Controlled Improvised explosive Devices (RCIEDs).
