Fast, High Resolution 3-D Flash LIDAR Imager
Navy SBIR FY2010.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2010.1
Topic No.: N101-083
Topic Title: Fast, High Resolution 3-D Flash LIDAR Imager
Proposal No.: N101-083-1711
Firm: Advanced Scientific Concepts, Inc.
135 E. Ortega Street
Santa Barbara, California 93101
Contact: Roger Stettner
Phone: (805) 966-3331
Abstract: The benefits are both military and non-military. The components developed for this proposal will support UAV bathometry, mine identification and topographical mapping. This is proposal is focused on the development of an advanced, low-noise, high-performance, high-speed, large format ROIC and associated electronics. The final camera, the Advanced Underwater LIDAR Camera (AULC) should rival the depth penetration capability of an image-tube-equipped ROAR 3D Flash LIDAR camera. The proposed ROIC has more than six times the pixels of the ROAR 3D ROIC and will have higher depth precision, lower noise and higher dynamic range as well.
Benefits: The benefits are both military and non-military. The components developed for this proposal will support UAV bathymetry, mine identification and topographical mapping. They will also support manned and unmanned under water vehicle navigation and surveillance, and harbor, ship and oil infrastructure inspection. Manned and unmanned surface vehicle navigation through fog-obscured environments and obstructed-underwater environments will be supported as well. Versions of these components are applicable to ecosystem structure assessment from aircraft.
