High System-Power Density Flow Battery for Advanced Modular, Energy Storage Technology
Navy SBIR FY2009.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2009.1
Topic No.: N091-053
Topic Title: High System-Power Density Flow Battery for Advanced Modular, Energy Storage Technology
Proposal No.: N091-053-0414
Firm: FC & Associates
44713 Fir Road
PO Box 1064
Gold Bar, Washington 98251-9348
Contact: Leroy Ohlsen
Phone: (206) 347-3523
Abstract: To meet the requirements for a next-generation, shipboard-compliant energy storage system, this SBIR Phase I project will prove the feasibility of a unique flow battery technology that combines a battery's ability to produce a high system-power density with a fuel cell's unique capability to utilize a high-energy-density fuel. FC&A's Phase I objective is to demonstrate the flow battery concept by identifying the best polyoxometalate/catalyst combination and assembling these into a prototype single anode half-cell that produces sufficient current density in the presence of 4,000ppm sulfur to produce power. Unlike existing technologies, our flow battery, or "Flow Cell," is small and can be recharged like a battery or refueled with the Navy's standard logistics fuels (DFM and JP-5). These unique Flow Cell capabilities will enable the Navy to realize its aim of developing "more electric Navy fleets," which increases survivability and provides an uninterrupted electrical power supply. Phase I success will lead to a Phase II project focused on fabricating a prototype Flow Cell system and conducting validation testing under practical load profiles. Based on Phase II results, the FC&A R&D team will propose installation, maintenance, repair, and regeneration methodologies and will complete a thorough cost/benefit analysis.
Benefits: FC&A anticipates that its proposed Flow Cell technology has the potential to meet the need of future ship designs and improve the fuel efficiency of naval warships using logistic fuels while simplifying some ship zonal electrical distribution systems integration challenges. This new technology may also enable other features to evolve that would not be possible with existing power modules. With the development of the next-generation flow cell proposed here, long runtime can be achieved with logistic fuels, rather than extra batteries. Alternatively, if an electrical outlet is available, this flow cell can be recharged like a conventional battery. It should be noted that most fuel cells can tolerate virtually no sulfur contamination in the fuel stream. Once we have demonstrated that this Flow Cell concept "works," as defined by meeting the objective metrics, the basis for a cell that tolerates sulfur contamination will be established. This is a critical preliminary milestone for any fuel cell that seeks to use logistic fuels. FC&A plans to enter this market with a two-phase commercialization strategy, initially focusing on US military BA5590 type battery applications, followed by unique military applications such as the one proposed here for the Navy. FC&A will apply its proprietary technology in areas where it clearly offers a competitive advantage over existing technologies, such as in the development of an advanced Flow Cell-based 500kW-sized energy storage module, where Li-ion batteries are not suitable due to safety concerns. Military applications such as field battery chargers, auxiliary power units for silent watch, unmanned aerial vehicles, low-signature remote field power, laser designators, portable robots, digital communications systems, and intelligence gathering systems, represent an ideal platform upon which to enter the market and refine system design and performance for the more cost-sensitive civilian and consumer markets. However, the fundamental advances anticipated for this multi-phase SBIR project have the potential to have an extraordinary impact upon nearly every aspect of electricity-consuming products. This technology has the potential to expand the runtime and power needs for a broad spectrum of applications and could enable other power-hungry technologies to evolve with additional features that would otherwise not have been possible with existing fuel cells or batteries.
