Dynamic Notching Module
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-027
Topic Title: Dynamic Notching Module
Proposal No.: N081-027-0299
Firm: Bedford Signals Corporation
27 Burlington Road
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730
Contact: Kennneth Falcone
Phone: (339) 223-2861
Web Site: www.bedfordsignals.com
Abstract: The Navy is looking to develop a method for notching out tunable frequency bands from the output of a high power wideband jammer. The notches must be synchronized with rapid frequency hopping radios, tuning within 1 KHz in less than 1 uS. The method must support at least 8 notches, each reducing power by at least 30 dB in a width ranging from 15 KHz to 10 MHz. Bedford Signals proposes to solve this problem by combining our advanced capabilities in high bandwidth digital signal processing (DSP) hardware with our extensive experience in sophisticated DSP algorithm development. Specifically, we intend to use DSP to integrate at least 8 instantly tunable open loop notch filters, with closed loop filters to remove harmonics and spurs. Study confirms that COTS components can support Navy requirements.
Benefits: This research will result in the development of a method for notching out tunable frequency bands from the output of a high power wideband jammer. This is necessary to protect blue force communication, navigation, and identification (CNI) systems from wideband jamming systems. The potential end uses of this product include insertion into existing jammers through modification, insertion into future jammers by design, or integration of the algorithm into future jammers. In addition, the hardware designed would also be suitable for use in numerous software defined radio, interference mitigation, and jammer cancellation systems.
