Precision High Alitude Sonobuoy Emplacement (PHASE)
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-023
Topic Title: Precision High Alitude Sonobuoy Emplacement (PHASE)
Proposal No.: N081-023-0918
Firm: Advanced Avionics Incorporated
607 G Louis Drive
Warminster, Pennsylvania 18974
Contact: David Hammond
Phone: (215) 441-0449
Abstract: This proposal seeks to develop innovative technologies to enable accurate placement of sonobuoy stores from high altitudes. This will be accomplished through a combination of numerical predictive modeling improvements and decelerator design improvements. An emphasis is placed on developing technologies that are compatible with existing systems, reliable in all expected conditions, and low cost.
Benefits: By allowing a US Navy Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) to conduct ASW missions from high altitudes the airframe will experience less stress and fatigue extending aircraft operational life and improving safety. The MPA will be able to fly more efficiently at high altitudes increasing mission range and on station time. Perhaps most importantly, it will also decrease the risk of hostile fire to the crew and aircraft from surface or subsurface platforms.
