Underwater Tether Deployer-Extended Range (UTD-XR)
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-095
Topic Title: Underwater Tether Deployer-Extended Range (UTD-XR)
Proposal No.: N081-095-0968
Firm: Tethers Unlimited, Inc.
11711 N. Creek Pkwy S., Suite D113
Bothell, Washington 98011-8804
Contact: Jeffrey Slostad
Phone: (425) 486-0100
Web Site: www.tethers.com
Abstract: The overall objective of this SBIR effort is to develop fiber optic winding and packaging processes to enable low-cost production of wound fiber optic packages that can deploy reliably at high speeds underwater with minimal signal attenuation. Our goal for the Phase I project is to develop and finalize a design for a fully automated, multi-fiber pack winding machine, as well as to optimize the fiber length, strength, and wind quality through careful design optimization of the fiber pack spindle and possibly of the fiber itself. To accomplish this goal, we will focus work tasks on the following technical objectives:  Evaluate available high strength fiber options;  Optimize Lifting Body and Spindle Design for Maximum Fiber Length;  Optimize Fiber Winding Process, Automation, and Quality Assurance  Computer Modeling of Deployment and Winding Process Key to the proposed approach is the optimization of our fully-automated process for fabrication of low-attenuation, low deployment-drag optical fiber packs. Extensive testing on our easily reconfigurable developmental winder will allow us to explore multiple design options, and the resulting prototype winds will be verified through testing in both our water tank test stand and in open-water towed deployment.
Benefits: The UTD-XR optical fiber pack will enable the Iridium and UHF Buoys planned for development by the Navy's Communications at Speed and Depth Program to provide high-bandwidth two-way communications for submarines while they travel at operating depth. This communications link will provide Navy submarines with new capabilities to participate in full FORCEnet/Sea Power 21 Network Centric Warfare operations. TUI's fully-automated process for fabricating high-reliability, low-attenuation optical fiber packs will enable 5 to 10-fold reductions in costs compared to existing products. Additionally, TUI's UTD-XR fiber pack can provide high-bandwidth two-way communications capabilities for other submerged systems, such as the ARAP sensor system, fiber-guided torpedos, and NSF's NEPTUNE deep sea sensor web.
