Novel Processing for High Density Metal-Metal Composites
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-080
Topic Title: Novel Processing for High Density Metal-Metal Composites
Proposal No.: N081-080-0126
Firm: MATSYS, Inc.
504 Shaw Road Suite 215
Sterling, Virginia 20166
Contact: Tony Zahrah
Phone: (703) 964-0400
Web Site:
Abstract: Materials and Manufacturing Systems (MATSYS) proposes to develop novel processing technique for metal-metal high-density reactive composites for the enhancement of new warhead concepts. This effort will combine our unique expertise in instrumented-Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) with new approaches in intermetallic design to develop a new generation of cost-efficient, high-density, high strength reactive composites. The proposed material system will use a blend of two elemental powders which can yield a fully dense composite with a density of 5 to 8 g/cc. The powders will be consolidated to full density to maximize the load-carrying capability of the composite, including strength and ductility. The consolidation will occur below the reaction initiation temperature to prevent any energy release during compaction. The existence of two different powder materials will allow for tailoring of the mechanical and reactive properties of the material by varying the volume fraction of each element. High-energy milling will be used to achieve a homogeneous structure within the powder. Upon successful demonstration, this powder-based process can be easily applied to different powders, including tri or tetra components systems, and scaled for cost-effective, high volume production of powders and fully dense composites.
Benefits: The proposed program will benefit products that have high-energy output where inert parts could be replaced by high density structural reactive materials to increase energy output and strength. It will also enable cost-effective characterization of these materials, and their rapid insertion into new military and industrial applications.
