Strongly Bonded Heavy Reactive Metal Composites
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-080
Topic Title: Strongly Bonded Heavy Reactive Metal Composites
Proposal No.: N081-080-1264
Firm: Materials & Electrochemical Research (MER) Corp.
7960 S. Kolb Rd.
Tucson, Arizona 85706-9237
Contact: Roger Storm
Phone: (520) 574-1980
Web Site:
Abstract: The Navy has a need for high density composites for advanced warheads. Billets of a heavy metal combined with a reactive metal have shown promise. However, the materials demonstrated to date have been lacking in density and strength. This proposed Phase I program will build on the success MER has had in developing composite penetrators for the Air Force which combine a heavy metal such as Ta or W with a reactive metal such as Zr. The resultant materials have demonstrated a combination of high density, reactivity, and high strength in gun launch and explosive launch testing. Composites will be made in compositions specified by the Navy using a low cost rapid manufacturing process which is in place at MER.
Benefits: The technology developed in this program will provide a major advance in the development of advanced munitions. In addition to providing this capability to the Navy and other DOD operations, this capability can also be used to provide enhanced security of private and government American personnel and facilities around the world.
