Polarimetric Sensor for Airborne Platforms
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-007
Topic Title: Polarimetric Sensor for Airborne Platforms
Proposal No.: N081-007-0484
Firm: Digital Fusion
5030 Bradford Drive
Building 1, Suite 210
Huntsville, Alabama 35805
Contact: Craig Farlow
Phone: (256) 327-8135
Web Site: digitalfusion.com
Abstract: The Navy has identified the need to enhance existing tactical reconnaissance platforms by utilizing emerging sensor technologies to support both domestic and national security operations. Situational awareness imagery has become a vital tool for locating, identifying and helping to neutralize threats. However, recent US military experience in IRAQ as well as illegal entry into the US across national borders, vividly demonstrates the need for improvements in reconnaissance imagery. One very promising enhancement is polarimetric imagery. Digital Fusion Solutions and Space Dynamics Laboratory plan to integrate a polarimetric sensor into an airborne platform such as the shared reconnaissance pod (SHARP). Along with the sensor development, an overall plan for system integration is described with emphasis on image format and data exchange, as well as size, weight, and power (SWAP) considerations. To make this a cost effective solution, priority is placed on using many existing system components. The proposed solution involves replacing the current MWIR senor on the SHARP with a dual mode (MWIR/LWIR) polarimeter.
Benefits: A successful Phase I will complete a concept design for a MWIR/LWIR sensor system incorporating polarimetric imaging in the LWIR. The feasibility of the design will be demonstrated and the utility to meet SHARPs requirements shown. This will open up a new avenue for conducting ISR, and enable the US to maintain technical superiority in tactical reconnaissance capability. Polarimetry, especially in the IR, offers the potential to satisfy requirements for enhanced reconnaissance information for detection and identification.
