Materials and Device Modeling to Reduce Cost and Time to Exploit Relaxor Piezoelectric Single Crystals in Navy SONAR Transducers
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-061
Topic Title: Materials and Device Modeling to Reduce Cost and Time to Exploit Relaxor Piezoelectric Single Crystals in Navy SONAR Transducers
Proposal No.: N081-061-1080
Firm: BTECH Acoustics
17 Surrey Rd.
Barrington, Rhode Island 02806
Contact: David Brown
Phone: (401) 261-9318
Abstract: We propose the evaluation and measurement of single crystal materials to support performance prediction of cylindrical ring sonar transducers and bar transducers for imaging sonar. The project also encompasses the construction and evaluation of exemplar devices.
Benefits: will reduce time to transistion single crystal materials into the fleet use and thereby offer performance advantages more readily.
