Marine Assessment, Decision, and Planning Tool for Protected Species (MADPT PS)
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-054
Topic Title: Marine Assessment, Decision, and Planning Tool for Protected Species (MADPT PS)
Proposal No.: N081-054-0310
Firm: Analysis, Design & Diagnostics, Inc.
317 West Forsyth St.
Jacksonville, Florida 32202-4307
Contact: Gary Donoher
Phone: (904) 475-0094
Web Site:
Abstract: Analysis, Design & Diagnostics, Inc. has put together a unique team comprised of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Adaptive Methods, Inc. and Teledyne Benthos. Under this effort the team will develop a planning tool designed so that environmental and operational mission planners can generate sophisticated queries using modern GIS technologies and obtain the results in a user friendly format. The algorithms used for density estimates, distributions, etc. will be based on approved methods using sound scientific information. Also under this effort we will use the Teledyne Benthos modem to collect data on beaked whales (whales of the Family Ziphiidae) which will allow the U.S. Navy to refine its knowledge of beaked whale distributions in operational theaters of interest. We will also database, to the lowest phylum order, visual observations and acoustic detections of marine mammals collected by Navy warships while on patrol to expand the Navy's knowledge of marine mammal distributions in operational theaters of interest which are outside the U.S. exclusive economic zone (EEZ). This expanded knowledge of marine mammals will support the scientific risk assessment of at-sea Navy operations.
Benefits: The Marine Assessment, Decision, and Planning Tool for Protected Species (MADPTPS) will allow the U.S. Navy to make reliable operational risk assessments based on sound scientific information. The data collected and databased under this program will provide researchers and mission planners a better understanding of marine mammal distributions and densities, especially beaked whales (whales of the Family Ziphiidae) in areas of the world where the U.S. Navy frequently operates. This data will be shared with researchers who have neither the means nor the funding to conduct research in these remote areas of the world's oceans.
