Fiber-based, high-energy, ultra-short pulse eye-safe source
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-050
Topic Title: Fiber-based, high-energy, ultra-short pulse eye-safe source
Proposal No.: N081-050-0102
Firm: Aculight Corporation
22121 20th Avenue SE
Bothell, Washington 98021-4408
Contact: Deborah Alterman
Phone: (425) 482-1100
Web Site:
Abstract: Tactical laser sources delivering high-peak-power (from multi-MW to TW) in agile optical pulse trains at high pulse repetition frequency (PRF) in the eye-safe wavelength region are of interest for several military applications including proactive infrared countermeasures (PIRCM), non-lethal munitions, and remote sensing of battlefield threats. To meet the needs for future tactical lasers, Aculight proposes a transportable, highly flexible, fiber-based high-peak-power optical source capable of operating at eye-safe wavelengths. The proposed laser technology provides direct access to regimes of operation that are challenging or off limits for traditional pulsed solid-state sources intended for military use. The rugged, fiber-based nature of the laser enables rapid transition to battlefield deployment. The Phase I will demonstrate the feasibility of the approach through analysis culminating with a design for the Phase II laser. At the completion of Phase II, Aculight will deliver a breadboard all-fiber, eye-safe, high-energy, ultra-short pulse laser to the Navy for laboratory use.
Benefits: The characteristics and performance of the proposed laser source are of interest for current and future tactical applications including optical countermeasures, active denial, and remote sensing. Commercial applications include advanced, high-speed materials processing for the industrial and the medical fields.
