Automated Knowledge Discovery and Reliability Analysis for the F414 Engine
Navy SBIR FY2008.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2008.1
Topic No.: N08-038
Topic Title: Automated Knowledge Discovery and Reliability Analysis for the F414 Engine
Proposal No.: N081-038-0439
Firm: Impact Technologies, LLC
200 Canal View Blvd
Rochester, New York 14623
Contact: G Valentine
Phone: (585) 627-1910
Web Site:
Abstract: Impact Technologies, LLC, with support from General Electric, proposes to develop and demonstrate an automated knowledge discovery and reliability analysis tool for the F414 engine. The proposed work is fully based on the F414 maintenance data available in the Maintenance Data Warehouse (MDW) maintained by GE. Knowledge discovery techniques will be applied to unit, intermediate and depot level maintenance records obtained from the MDW. Using that knowledge, innovative reliability analysis techniques that are well suited to addressing the competing risk problem, as components are maintained before they fail, will be implemented in this effort. Once fleet-wide in-service component reliability is calculated, the reliability of each individual component will be tracked. Significant deviations in reliability will be detected early on and will be signaled to the user. An opportunistic maintenance optimization module will also use in-service reliability to provide decision support on what maintenance is warranted. Specifically the core innovations of the proposed work include: 1) a knowledge discovery module that processes maintenance records; 2) an in-service component reliability analysis module that addresses the competing risks problem; 3) development of a component reliability tracking module; and 4) an opportunistic maintenance optimization module that would maximize the expected time on wing.
Benefits: This automated knowledge discovery and reliability analysis technology will help existing and future Navy and DoD combatant programs reach improved fleet readiness objectives and total ownership cost initiatives. The technology will play an important role in providing the warfighter with significant combat advantage. The software will take full advantage of the large amounts of maintenance data available to provide up-to-date in-service reliability information for components of high value systems and assets. The objectives will be achieved through reliability calculation for all serialized modules and components of the F414 engine from maintenance data. The calculated reliabilities will be used in reliability tracking, opportunistic maintenance optimization, and as a justification in component improvement programs. Because effective military operations hinge on the ability to quickly and accurately identify reliability issues and address them, there exist numerous potential military applications for the proposed reliability analysis tool in all branches of the U.S. DoD. Given the adaptable nature of the core analysis and reasoning techniques proposed, the developed approach could be adapted for a variety of commercial applications. Such applications include: commercial airlines, land and marine propulsion systems, large utilities and independent power producers, oil and gas transmission companies, and processing industries.
