USW Intelligent Controller
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-050
Topic Title: USW Intelligent Controller
Proposal No.: N061-050-1219
Firm: Adaptive Methods, Inc
5885 Trinity Parkway
Suite 230
Centreville, Virginia
Contact: Llew Wood
Phone: (703) 968-8040
Abstract: This SBIR topic for USW Intelligent Controller addresses innovative technology to help the sonar watch team to optimally employ USW assets for search and detection, classification, and tracking of surface and sub-surface platforms. Adaptive Methods and Metron have formed a team for this project - combining optimization algorithm development expertise of Metron with Adaptive Methods software development and integration capabilities. This SBIR project will address a critical operational need for USW mission management by providing an automated capability that looks across all sensors and functional segments rather than a collection of single-sensor controllers. This program will transition mature numerical optimization algorithm technology into the mission management function. We will design an intelligent controller capability that will integrate efficiently into the next generation USW combat system architecture. This design will execute in the USW open architecture compute environment (OACE) and operate under common system services. Intelligent controller development will focus on technologies that are sufficiently mature and will provide the most benefit to mission performance metrics of operator productivity, reduced time to classify new contacts, increased contact holding time, and improved contact tracking.
Benefits: The primary beneficiary of this technology is the US Navy. Potential Navy applications include Surface Ship USW Combat System (SQQ-89(V) and DD(X), submarine Tactical Control System (TCS), LCS ASW and Surface Warfare (SUW) Mission Packages, MMA ASW Combat System, and. The U.S. Coast Guard could apply this technology for port and coastal protection to extend the capabilities of the Automated Identification System. The Navy will benefit from intelligent control through improved operator productivity and tactical performance. The technologies will reduce the tactical decision timeline, increase contact handling capacity, and enable integration of offboard sensors and weapons into the future combat system's core assets. Large-scale multi-sensor security systems for commercial buildings, businesses, and large private estates represent an attractive private industry market. Most security control systems rely heavily on the security operator to manually reconfigure sensors in response to security alerts. Our intelligent control technology can address this limitation in the same way as optimizing Navy USW acoustic and non-acoustic sensors.
