Non-Scanning 360 Degree LPI Radar
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-066
Topic Title: Non-Scanning 360 Degree LPI Radar
Proposal No.: N061-066-0354
Firm: MARK Resources, Inc.
3878 Carson Street, Suite 210
Torrance, California 90503-6707
Contact: Richard Mitchell
Phone: (310) 543-4746
Web Site:
Abstract: MARK Resources proposes to develop non-scanning radar suitable for installation on a submarine mast, small boat, unmanned underwater vehicle, ocean buoy, tower, and other littoral sites. The radar will simultaneously detect and classify all surface targets within the radar horizon, in all weather conditions. The size of the package depends on the desired detection range, and for the short-range application on a submarine mast, it will be possible to include all of the rf and if electronics within the available space on the mast. In this application the exposure time will be minimal, and the emissions will be virtually undetectable. Technology Service Corporation is our teaming partner for radar hardware development.
Benefits: The capability to reliably detect, track, and classify radar targets in a timely manner is extremely important in practically all military applications. The basic signal processing technology is also applicable in all situations where details about man-made objects are to be obtained remotely by radar, and for discriminating one type of target from another.
