Signal Processing For Dense Fields Of Miniature Impulsive Sources And Sonobuoy Receivers
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-042
Topic Title: Signal Processing For Dense Fields Of Miniature Impulsive Sources And Sonobuoy Receivers
Proposal No.: N061-042-1012
Firm: Marine Acoustics, Inc.
809 Aquidneck Avenue
Middletown, Rhode Island 02842
Contact: James Messegee
Phone: (703) 465-8404
Web Site:
Abstract: Marine Acoustics, Inc., will design and develop a sonar screening, detection, and classification system using a MATLAB-based format. Existing software components such as a cepstrum-based screener and a wavelet-based signal processing algorithm, as well as new components to be designed, will be incorporated into the system. Results will be fed to a field display and analysis system. Results will reduce active clutter and improve results to be obtained from high-energy impulsive sources.
Benefits: The result of the Phase I SBIR will be a modular software research system and selected data bases to identify the highest payoff approaches with a plan of action and milestones needed to realize a viable and robust signal processing system for all air ASW vehicles. The helicopter and the UAV, due to limited crew-members are most dependent on a robust detection and classification system to assist the acoustic operator.
