Scenario Definition Language for Modeling & Simulation (M&S)
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-018
Topic Title: Scenario Definition Language for Modeling & Simulation (M&S)
Proposal No.: N061-018-0432
Firm: Aptima, Inc.
12 Gill Street
Suite 1400
Woburn, Massachusetts 01801
Contact: John Colonna-Romano
Phone: (781) 496-2496
Web Site:
Abstract: Virtual and constructive simulation environments provide powerful practice for warfighters because they offer realistic events to which warfighters can respond. To use these environments for effective training, they must provide pedagogically sound training experiences which incorporate measures and assessments of trainee performance in relation to training objectives. Current scenario definition languages have been designed to provide high fidelity detail with respect to physical entities in the simulation environment, the interactions among them and the scenario events, but generally fail to define the pedagogical aspects of the scenario. Aptima proposes to develop PRESTO (Pedagogically Relevant Engineering of Scenarios for Training Objectives) which will include a scenario authoring tool and a Scenario Definition Language (SDL) which will support the inclusion of training objectives and performance measures into the scenario definition. PRESTO will also include converters to translate the SDL to a variety of simulation environments.
Benefits: The use of PRESTO (Pedagogically Relevant Engineering of Scenarios for Training Objectives) will allow trainers to create pedagogically sound training scenarios more quickly than conventional methods and with limited need for engineering skills. The scenarios created will provide targeted training experiences that provide more effective training to trainees. These benefits will reduce the cost of training development and the time to deliver training.
