Smart Polymer Impact Detection Coating System
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-039
Topic Title: Smart Polymer Impact Detection Coating System
Proposal No.: N061-039-0186
Firm: Physical Optics Corporation
Applied Technologies Division
20600 Gramercy Place, Bldg 100
Torrance, California 90501-1821
Contact: Leonid Bukshpun
Phone: (310) 320-3088
Web Site:
Abstract: To address the Navy need for smart coating technology to detect and measure impact/thermal damage, Physical Optics Corporation (POC) proposes to develop a smart Polymer Impact Detection Coating (PIDEC) system. This proposed system is based on nonlinear optical polymer designed to change its optical properties on mechanical/thermal impact, and on detection via a portable interrogation subsystem. The PIDEC system will directly detect impact and thermal damage without the need for complex nondestructive evaluation equipment. Its hand-held compact probe can integrate hard-to-inspect areas. The smart coating can be applied to aircraft components by means of existing painting techniques and proven coating technologies. The coating is transparent to radio waves, so its application on an aircraft does not interfere with aircraft radar systems. In Phase I POC will demonstrate the feasibility of this system by developing a procedure for fabricating the smart coating and by demonstrating its use by applying and testing it on a proof-of-concept breadboard. In Phase II POC plans to develop an optimized PIDEC prototype and demonstrate its operation in a relevant operational environment.
Benefits: Military applications of the PIDEC detection system will include a wide range of smart coatings for the aerospace industry, where structural damage monitoring is crucial. The PIDEC can also be useful to the Army to monitor structural damage in military vehicles. Commercial applications include commercial jets. In addition, the PIDEC detection system will find applications in monitoring structural damage detection in a wide range of industries.
