Tools for Real Time IO/ISR Applications (STRTI2A)
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-087
Topic Title: Tools for Real Time IO/ISR Applications (STRTI2A)
Proposal No.: N061-087-0032
Firm: Ocean Systems Engineering Corporation (OSEC)
2141 Palomar Airport Road
Suite 200
Carlsbad, California 92009
Phone: (619) 260-8515
Web Site:
Abstract: DoD is moving quickly toward Network Centric Warfare and distributed enterprise services provided via Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) as a means of providing Net-Centric capabilities and front end sensor networking. Some early candidates have already emerged that are capable of providing many of the required services and performance. Numerous requirements and directives are forcing this evolutionary change in the way the armed services conduct business for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR). Key to this are CJCSI 6212.01D including Net-ready Key Performance Parameters (KPPs), Key Interface Profiles (KIPs), Information Assurance (IA) and Information Technology (IT) Standards; the GIG Architecture and Net-Centric Operations and Warfare (NCOW) Reference Model (RM) compliance, GIG Enterprise Services (GIG ES (GES) compliance; FORCEnet compliance; and others. These are mentioned here since they are the "rulers" being used to "measure" the design, development and transition into a Program of Record (POR) of any SOA Adaptations for Real Time Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance capability, and therefore are key to this SBIR response. As with any evolving concept, there are near-term solutions, with limitations, and there are far term goals waiting for new technology to satisfy. For example, proprietary solutions still limit use; security management is a problem in a multi-security level, multi-user environment; common data standards are still evolving for data types and for meta-data, and so on. The OSEC team proposes herein to investigate several areas we believe to be innovative and of benefit in the area of SOA Adaptations for Real-Time ISR. These sub-topics include defining a framework for ISR Sensors; investigating capabilities vs. ongoing / planned efforts within DOD: applying autonomic computing techniques; devising a common Maritime IO Management Picture (CMP); describing a Common Event Management Service architecture; defining requirements for sensors in the Sensor Harness; designing a Programmable Sensor Filter; Investigating analyst toolsets for automation, Including Fusion Services; and defining/designing a sensor harness implementation that fits within an SOA framework for sensors. Phase I is limited to scientific investigation and research, trade studies and engineering analyses. There are no plans for demonstrations and tests in Phase I, but OSEC plans to demonstrate innovative building blocks of the evolving SOA for ISR during Phase II.
Benefits: STRTI2A focuses research on a few of the current "holes" in the current SOA fabric with regard to the current Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) and Distributed Information Operations (DIO) efforts. By identifying, selecting and examining known shortfalls in the areas common to both of these efforts, this SBIR will present at least 3 innovative solutions for continued pursuit and prototype development in Phase II. Final development of the 3 solutions identified in the Phase II would be completed in a Phase III transition contract. Commercialization of these solutions via transition into the DCGS and DIO Programs of Record as NESI compliant software segments will help DoD meet emerging capability requirements for Network Centric Warfare and distributed enterprise services for existing and future IO/ISR systems.
