Efficient Microchip Laser
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-015
Topic Title: Efficient Microchip Laser
Proposal No.: N061-015-0839
Firm: Q Peak, Inc.
135 South Road
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730
Contact: Yelena Isyanova
Phone: (781) 275-9535
Web Site: www.qpeak.com
Abstract: Q-Peak, Inc. proposes to develop a highly efficient 1064-nm microchip laser that will be capable of providing sub-nanosecond pulses with pulse energies of 12 mJ at a repetition rate greater than 4 kHz. The device will be able to operate in rugged environment and within a wide range of operation and storage temperatures. Pumped by a 1.0-W laser diode, with 50% electrical-to-optical efficiency, the device will consume 2.0 W of electrical power. Due to the use of both efficient diode-pumping and compact microchip design, the laser is expected to satisfy the SBIR program requirement for size (to be on the order of 0.26 cubic inches of volume). In the Phase I effort we propose to develop a new design, apply a new bonding technology, build a microchip laser and verify the feasibility of our approach. We will also evaluate packaging issues and environmental requirements as well as overall technology capability. A prototype system suitable for operation in a military system will be built and delivered to Navy at the end of the Phase II program.
Benefits: The proposed technology is of particular use to Navy for active optical sensors. The technology could be used in rugged high-definition surveying equipment and high-resolution rangefinders. In addition, the high beam quality, short pulses and high efficiency lend itself to frequency conversion to visible and UV wavelengths with greater efficiency opening up further areas for scientific spectroscopy and materials processing. The products, if successfully developed, would be added to commercial diode-pumped lasers already in production at Q-Peak.
