High-Performance Blast/Fire Resistant Coating
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-081
Topic Title: High-Performance Blast/Fire Resistant Coating
Proposal No.: N061-081-0123
Firm: Cornerstone Research Group, Inc.
2750 Indian Ripple Rd.
Dayton, Ohio 45440-3638
Contact: Richard Hreha
Phone: (937) 320-1877
Web Site: www.CRGrp.com
Abstract: CRG proposes to develop a highly blast and fire resistant polymer coating to increase the ballistic performance of steel plating in military applications. CRG will accomplish this by synthesizing a new, inherently fire resistant monomer and formulating this with commercially available fire resistant materials into an elastomer coating. The formulation will use a methodology developed by CRG for creating lightweight, cost-effective, high-temperature materials.
Benefits: Operational Benefits: (1) Flexible material absorbs energy, (2) Tough, (3) Lightweight, and (4) Fire resistant. Commercial Applications: (1) Armored vehicles, (2) Fire fighting equipment, and (3) Fire resistant materials.
