Biometric Identity Verification for Sailors in Battle Dress
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-088
Topic Title: Biometric Identity Verification for Sailors in Battle Dress
Proposal No.: N061-088-0798
Firm: Lumidigm, Inc.
800 Bradbury SE
Suite 213
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106-4310
Contact: Matthew Ennis
Phone: (505) 246-6012
Web Site:
Abstract: This completed project (phase I & II) will utilize Lumidigm's multispectral imaging platform to create a biometric device that can be efficiently slid under a sailor's battle dress to authenticate identification. Phase I will include designing an ergonomically viable device where multispectral images can be collected under a sailor's battle dress. Data will be collected utilizing Lumidigm's exisiting fingerprinting platform in order to demonstrate technical feasibility. A phase II algorithmic approach will be laid out in the final report.
Benefits: This project will provide the basis for developing a system that will non-invasively identify a sailor in battle dress. This will enable identity operations to work effectively even in non-optimum conditions.
