Advanced Antenna Development
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-044
Topic Title: Advanced Antenna Development
Proposal No.: N061-044-0298
Firm: nGimat Co.
5315 Peachtree Industrial Blvd.
Atlanta, Georgia
Contact: Zhiyong Zhao
Phone: (678) 287-3944
Web Site:
Abstract: nGimat proposes to develop a phased array antenna on lightweight substrates, consisting of ferroelectric phase shifters, feed network, and radiating element. The array antenna will be electronically scanned, eliminating mechanical problems of a rotating array. In Phase I, we will design a phased array antenna with reconfigurable elements, design and fabricate phase shifters, and work with our industrial customers for Phase II collaboration. Low-loss, low-cost, and small-size phase shifters are of importance in simplifying the array design, lowering the system cost, and reducing size and weight of a phased array. Phase shifter design will be one of the primary goals of Phase I. Extensive simulations will also be carried out for antenna elements, ensuring a highly efficient array antenna. A prototype 2 x 2 array antenna will be constructed and provided to Navy for testing.
Benefits: Direct DOD application is for the new Joint Precision Approach Landing System (JPALS). Commercial applications cover automotive radar for adaptive cruise control and collision avoidance systems, and civilian communication systems.
