Real Time Responsively Reprogrammable DRFM (RTD)
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-036
Topic Title: Real Time Responsively Reprogrammable DRFM (RTD)
Proposal No.: N061-036-1192
Firm: Systems & Processes Engineering Corporation (SPEC)
6800 Burleson Road
Building 320
Austin, Texas 78744-2306
Contact: William Hallidy
Phone: (512) 479-7732
Web Site:
Abstract: Since the early 1990s the Digital RF Memory (DRFM) has played an important role in threat simulation systems and as an active countermeasure for radar threats. Over the last 15 years, the sophistication of threat radar systems has evolved to the point that a DRFM architecture that will enable a more robust deceptive jamming capability is urgently needed. The new architecture will need to be flexible to assure its ability to counter new threats. This implies that what is needed is a DRFM with an open architecture that will allow for reprogrammability and that will include pathways for growth enhancements to include response to multiple threats. This will require a real time responsive capability that will incorporate a library of threat radars. Systems & Processes Engineering Corporation (SPEC) offers to meet this need by developing a Real Time Responsively Reprogrammable DRFM (RTD) with an ultrawide instantaneous bandwidth based on state of the art architecture. The RTD leverages from SPEC's ongoing development of a Target Hologram Generator (THG), a programmable flight module for generating realistic targets and countermeasures signatures, and a wide bandwidth High Fidelity DRFM (HiFiD), a programmable laboratory module.
Benefits: This work will result in a flexible, reprogrammable, real-time responsive, ultrawideband, digital RF memory system that may be employed by defense forces for electronic attack or as an electronic countermeasure to modern radar threats. It may also be used to test the capabilities of friendly radar or may be employed in the commercial sector to simulate complex communications environments.
