Sonobuoy - Electronic Function Selector (EFS) Replacement
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-010
Topic Title: Sonobuoy - Electronic Function Selector (EFS) Replacement
Proposal No.: N061-010-0681
Firm: Navmar Applied Sciences Corporation
65 West Street Road
Building C
Warminster, Pennsylvania 18974
Contact: Peter Raiti
Phone: (610) 619-7456
Web Site:
Abstract: Sonobuoys are currently programmed via the operation of a Function Selector Interface, consisting of push-button switches and a dual digit LED display. Our proposed effort will replace the current Function Selector Component (FS) with a low cost Remote Function Selector System (RFS), setting Sonobuoy parameters with a handheld PDA style operator interface, utilizing a secure RF or Optical link The proposed technique will permit an operator to uniquely address and securely program a particular Sonobuoy, or a group of Sonobuoys, as might be found in the launch rack of an aircraft platform. The proposed concept will allow for ease of operational maintenance and the dynamic programming of Sonobuoys, during preflight staging procedures or in-flight mission scenarios. The PDA will interface to the mission computer and remotely to the Sonobuoys for the downloading or uploading of functional parameters and operational mission profiles. The Remote Function Selector Concept (RFS) will make the utilization of Sonobuoy systems more cost effective and efficient regarding buoy inventory, assignment and deployment.
Benefits: The RFS is ideally suited for a secure remote interface of equipment or processes. The RFS can be applied to industrial and consumer products where tamper proof functionality is desired, such as Medical Equipment, Surveillance Sensors and Cameras, Industrial Process Monitoring and Control, Inventory Processes, Banking and the Environmental Control of a business or a home.
