Cargo Transfer from Offshore Supply Vessels to Large Deck Vessels
Navy SBIR FY2006.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2006.1
Topic No.: N06-057
Topic Title: Cargo Transfer from Offshore Supply Vessels to Large Deck Vessels
Proposal No.: N061-057-1006
Firm: Craft Engineering Associates, Inc.
2102 48th Street
Hampton, Virginia 23661-4205
Contact: J. Bird
Phone: (757) 825-1516
Abstract: A movable articulated crane (MAC) system is proposed that can be used to retrieve palletized cargo from the deck of a dynamically positioned offshore supply vessel and deposit it on an elevator or side platform of any large deck ship. The MAC system will have the following features - 1) omni-directional mobile chassis, 2) the ability tolock itself to the deck, 3) an articulating knuckle boom crane, 4) load motion and tracking sensors, and 5) intergated control system.
Benefits: Facilitates the use of readily available offshore supply vessels for on-demand, resupply of combatant vessels.
