Innovative Materials and Designs for Joint Strike Fighter Lift Fan Drive Shaft (MSC P1A12-401)
Navy SBIR FY2004.1

Sol No.: Navy SBIR FY2004.1
Topic No.: N04-020
Topic Title: Innovative Materials and Designs for Joint Strike Fighter Lift Fan Drive Shaft (MSC P1A12-401)
Proposal No.: N041-020-1
Firm: Materials Sciences Corporation
181 Gibraltar Road
Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044
Contact: Anthony Caiazzo
Phone: (215) 542-8400
Web Site:
Abstract: The goal of this SBIR project is to develop and demonstrate lightweight, low cost, drive shaft concepts for use in high performance rotating engine drive systems, with specific focus on the STOVL lift fan system. The product of Phase I of the SBIR program outlined in this proposal will be a lightweight graphite fiber reinforced composite drive shaft and end fitting design that meets the structural requirements of the JSF STOVL system. A proof-of-concept prototype tube will be fabricated during Phase I to establish manufacturing feasibility, verify weight estimates and support cost studies. The design concept and manufacturing approach builds on previous research that successfully demonstrated the structural robustness and weight and cost competitiveness of a Materials Sciences Corporation design developed for the V-22 Osprey wing drive system.
Benefits: The product of the SBIR program outlined in this proposal will be a lightweight fiber reinforced composite drive shaft and end fitting design that meets the structural requirements of the JSF STOVL lift fan system. Other aircraft and marine applications will be pursued as data on the performance and robustness of our designs emerge.
